CGI(Common Gateway Interface):
1.It is a “process based” that is for
every request a separate process will be created and that is responsible to
generate the response.
2.Creation and destruction of new process for
every request is costly. If the no. of requests increases, the performance of
the system goes down. Hence CGI technology fails to deliver Scalable
3.Two processes never share the common
address space. Hence concurrency never comes in CGI technology.
4.CGI programming can be written in
multiple languages. Mostly common used languages PERL
5.Most of the CGI languages are not
object oriented. Hence we may miss the benefit of the OOPS.
6.CGI technology is platform dependent.
1.It is “Thread based” that is for every
client request a separate thread will be created and that is responsible for
generation of dynamic response.
2.Creation and destruction of a new
thread for every request is not Costly. Hence even though no. of requests
increases there is no change in the response time and performance. Hence
Servlet Technology succeeds to deliver Scalable Applications
3.All the Threads share the same common
address space. Hence concurrency problems may rise.
4.Servlet should be written in Java
5.Java languages itself object oriented.
Hence we can get all benefit of the OOPS.
6.Servlet technology is platform
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